1. The Jomon people ate weeds (The beginning of permanent settlement and plant cultivation)
2. The appearance of pests and a pest across the sea strait: The world of the maize weevil
3. Cockroaches inhabited the Jomon houses
4. Mystic pottery (Prayers for fertility): Pottery with large numbers of seeds and maize weevils embedded in the clay
5. Rice arrived during the Jomon Period
6. The world of pottery admixtures
The Jomon people ate weeds (The beginnings of permanent settlements and plant cultivation)
The Jomon people ate weeds (The beginnings of permanent settlements and plant cultivation)
The Jomon people ate weeds (The beginning of permanent settlement and plant cultivation)
1.The Jomon people ate weeds
(The beginnings of permanent settlements and plant cultivation)
2.The Appearance of Pests and A Pest That Came from Abroad: The World of the Maize Weevil
3.Maize Weevils That Inhabited Jomon Homes
4.Mystic Pottery (Prayers for Fertility): Pottery Pieces with Large Numbers of Seeds and Maize Weevils Embedded in the Clay
5.Rice Arrived During the Jomon Period
6.The World of Pottery Admixtures